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Welcome to the Celebrity Media Network TV Platform. We broadcast news in the six official UN languages.

منصة وسائل الإعلام المشاهير تبث الأخبار يوم الاثنين باللغة العربية


The celebrity media platform broadcasts news on Wednesday in English

La plateforme médiatique des célébrités diffuse les nouvelles le jeudi en français

Медийная платформа знаменитостей вещает новости в пятницу на русском языке

La plataforma de medios de celebridades transmite noticias el sábado en español

Strong UN Brtter World! 联合国强大 世界更美好!

名人媒体基金会和平电视 PeaceTV 为世界和平和联合国国际事务服务
Celebrity Media Foundation and PeaceTV serve world peace and United Nations international affairs

The Celebrity Media Foundation is committed to supporting the United Nations' efforts to maintain world peace, manage international affairs, and sponsor global public welfare initiatives, in accordance with the United Nations Charter. This commitment serves as the fundamental purpose and mission of our operations. The Foundation is supported by enthusiastic volunteers and philanthropists who share a consensus on the importance of promoting and supporting celebrities, charitable organizations, and individuals dedicated to improving global social conditions and participating in international public welfare activities.
The Network AI Technology Department of the Celebrity Media Foundation is a key division responsible for managing and utilizing robots to broadcast news in the six official languages of the United Nations. This department oversees the operations of the Celebrity Media network platform.

Celebrity Media, a network platform owned by the Celebrity Media Foundation, has established the Celebrity Media Alliance in collaboration with the United Nations News Centre. This alliance engages in the gathering, editing, and publishing of news from around the world, primarily focusing on United Nations news.

The Celebrity Media Foundation operates as a tax-exempt, non-profit media organization running an online television network. We look forward to the sponsorship and support of discerning individuals, charities, and organizations.

In response to the demands of the AI-driven era, Celebrity Media was the first media outlet to use robots that speak in their own voices, broadcasting news in various languages. Celebrity Media utilizes AI robots to offer a paid service that translates content into the six official languages of the United Nations, providing news distribution, video broadcasting, and online interviews for UN agencies, NGOs, and other users in need.

Contact the Network AI Technology Department of the Celebrity Media Foundation:


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